This few month happen alot of thing's, god give me 2 beautiful living thing in my life. But the other cant stay by my side. Even you got so much money so much laughter await for you you wun be happy after all, bcus all it my fault MY FAULT! i dun have the ability to kept her & let her go off by my side. You wun realised how pain it is & you wun wan to walk my path, it really tough for a women. Everyday & night kept crying when you re-called. It really hurt until the day you had the last breath. I wun forgive myself for what i've done, forever wun forgive myself.
But i realised one thing, my family & my boyf. ( Always there for me when i really need them)
I hope my boyf will realised how hurt is it for me.
(I Prey to god all i hope is she healthy & alot of people will love her as i did )