Today is my grandma bday, had to go to her bday party later. It will be boring but still had to go no choice. Am so jealous with my friend she had fall in love a guy, make her so miriseble. Hmmm, dunno when is my turn my heart felt like blank nothing to aim nothing actually had for me to care I lost the feeling of make up go out, dresss well, speak well, eat well and now I am falling sick -.- vomit vomit fcuk discusting and nasty feeling. I can't eat oily food example like chicken rice after I eat I vomit already. Waste money some more, When to see doc still like that I hope I wun die so soon. (: btw 2 more days to my special day I can watch nc movies ahahaaa so happy. I felt like am a pig kept sleep sleep sleep weight 56kg and 166cm tall. Soo fatt ! I wish I would go for jogging session or something can make me move body. My body now like jelly no muscle at all. I had to go bath now going jp with my mum. Tata's